Zandi's musings.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Head under the blanket

Creating your own constructs of the world to protect yourself from the harsh reality is a very common practice in life, we all need our illusions, whether that our friends like us more than they do, or that we smell less than we do or that we are prettier ...

These illusions are generally not harmful, as society functions on the cogs of small innocent lies which only exist to help us keep our constructs in existence. That is why telling the direct cold truth is something not really welcome among people, sometimes not even among closest friends.

In the past the most common blanket of hope was religion and God and of course the blanket of fear were the devils, witches, black men from the forest, tax collectors and so on. Now that God is not fashionable anymore people are in droves starting to believe in aliens, cosmic energy, astral planes, maths and are afraid of aliens, cosmic energy, astral planes and homeless people.

These blankets become bothersome when they are so out of touch with reality that they impede your life (like various OCD people, who believe they will die if they step on the line between two tiles - incidentally this is true, if you step on the line you will die in 5 days, just a friendly warning SEE THE SQUARE)

It is virtually impossible to face thebare reallity, as anything we percieve is filtered through our senses but it is much better if we try not to impose arbitrary mechanisms and rules on a world that does not give two shits about our precognitions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zelo lepa fotka.
LP Urša

24 June, 2006 14:27  

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