Zandi's musings.

Thursday, June 22, 2006


People are very resillient to change, which can of course be a good trait, but when someone wins the lottery or gets a promotion or a degree it can hurt them plenty. Suddenly a big focus of their life is gone, and they are 'promoted' into the next social circle, worried about how to act and behave.

They cannot depend on routine anymore, they feel that now that they are rich/more educated they have to change their lives to suit their new social position. Sadly they often look to the TV to see how rich people should behave, and often quickly fritter away all their money, forgetting that the rich people on TV are often just children of rich people who are most often spoilt attention-craving brats, otherwise they would not be on TV anyway.

Those winning the lottery under the pressure of all the money which haunts their thoughts often forget that the rich people have a sustainable income and use up their one time windfall for stupid luxury items which are mainly expensive to maintain as well, such as cars, yachts or filipino teenage wives.

Most people only see to their goals but not beyond, so when they start reaching their goal, they start wondering and worrying what will happen afterwards, that is why so many people pass all their exams and then never finish their degree and graduate, since they are afraid of this step in the next realm of life. So it is always good to have at least a general life plan and a few contingency plans just in case.


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