Zandi's musings.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


It is strange how people like to polarize things, either something is good or bad, there's rarely anything in between, we start conditioning people to think so in the early years with fairy tales with good pig farmers (who never touched a pig indecently) going against evil princes (who touched everything they could indecently). It is of course much easier to live in a monochromatic world, but it can become a burden, as you swiftly start dividing the world into 'us' and 'them'. Hating them and loving us of course. This complex world division sadly forgets all those in between, the ones I like to call the 'I-don't-give-a-shits'.

The 'I-don't-give-a-shits' are often not recognized by 'us' and 'them' as they would unneccesarily complicate the situation, so the 'I-don't-give-a-shits' are often classified as 'them' by 'us' and vice-versa and sometimes are seen as source for new recruits.

This sadly inconveniences the 'I-don't-give-a-shits' as they are suddenly attacked or recruited by someone for something they don't give a shit about, they are often not fully aware what the commotion is all about, since who gives a shit about the religion/football team/beer preferred by 'us' or 'them'.

Then they are either flattered or threatened, their sense of patriotism is appealed to (Man you LIVE in Ljubljana, how CAN you not CARE that UNION is better than that shitty laško beer). Or they can just beat you up for not prefering Union or Olimpija or whatever. Such activities are highly counter-productive, as they are a detriment to society and to the individual.

The good side of seeing the world in black and white (quick decisions without too much moralizing and worrying about the cubs of the bear that is trying to eat you) has since been eclipsed by various bad forms of polarization. I believe that unless our lives are in danger we should not give into polarizing the world (no matter how the media would like us to) and try and objectively see any problems that arise, that are not immediately life threatening.

Start living, see the world in colour.


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